StellanKramer takes an active part in the tranformation into a more sustainable society. In many ways the world is becoming a better place but the global warming is a challenge for us all. Our products originate from the nature, from grapes and grain growing without any significant emissions of greenhouse gases. Some energy is used in the distilling process and for temprature adjustments in the vinification and finally the products need packaging and transportation. We have teamed up with a large logistic partner to be able to load our transports as efficiently as possible and to follow best practise in transport solutions.
Systembolaget is working for a sustainable supply chain and take an active part in this together with our producers. The trends are more lightweight packaging, more sustainable farming and an increasing awareness of environmentally friendly production methods. Many of our products are already organic, vegan friendly, sustainably certified and delivered in lightweight packaging.
StellanKramer's policy for sustainablility follows amfori BSCI as set out by Systembolaget in their framework for a sustainable supply chain.
StellanKramer is certified organic (eco-certified) by Intertek.
Certifikat EU Intertek pdf 190,1 kB certificate-2022-11-22t073347_599851.pdf pdf 122,3 kB